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CRT monitor


CRT monitors are display tubes that are widely used in television screens, computer monitor screens, video monitors and oscilloscopes using CRT technology. Sensiri CRT is short for Cathode Ray Tube or in Indonesian it means Cathode Ray Tube. This CRT technology was invented by Karl Ferdinand Braun, who developed the work of Philo Farnsworth which was used in all television sets until the end of the 20th century. This CRT monitor is the basis for the development of plasma screens, LCDs and other forms of TV technology.

In brief, how this CRT monitor works can be explained as follows:

Cathode rays are a high-speed flow of electrons emitted from a cathode that is heated by a heating element in a vacuum tube.

In a cathode ray tube, the electrons are directed, directed into a beam of electrons, and this electron beam is focused by means of a "yoke deflection" by a magnetic field to be directed towards the horizontal and vertical positions to "scan" the surface at the point of view (anode), which line up with the phosphorous material. When electrons touch the material on this screen, they cause light. For the purposes of this CRT screen, so that the phosphor glows or glows, a high voltage is needed, which is about 25 Kilo Volt to 27 Kilo Volt, generated by a device called Flayback.

Before these electrons touch the phosphor, on the screen the electrons in the glass tube penetrate a very thin, hollow plate called a screen that is nearly as wide as the width of the tube screen to focus three RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color spots for the color screen tube. This metal plate is very thin and sensitive to magnetism, if a strong magnetic will change the shape of this plate so that it is uneven and there will be a tinge and random color because the electron shot is not focused on the three RGB spots, and this event is called degausing.

Because this CRT monitor has a high enough intensity to be received by the retina of the human eye, the screen of this device must have an anti-glare screen, so that your eyes are protected from damage.

CRT monitor from a television set

The difference between a CRT monitor and an LCD monitor is that CRT uses electrons which are shot onto the screen with various colors to become an image. Meanwhile, LCD monitors have a constant backlight where the intensity of the brightness is different due to the blocking of the molecules for light passing through the panel.

For your consideration in choosing the type of monitor or screen, here are the advantages and disadvantages of CRT monitors, namely:

Advantages :

  • CRT monitors have a sharper and more accurate display than LCD monitors.
  • Has a flexible screen resolution.
  • Easy to maintain, if damaged easily repaired because it is easy to find a TV service place.
  • Free from dead pixels and free from viewing angles.
  • Deficiency :

The electricity consumption of CRT monitors is higher, even almost 2x as much as an LCD monitor

A low refresh rate will make your eyes tired, so use a high refresh rate.

CRT monitors emit radiation that is quite high.

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