Resistors or so-called resistance are electronic components that are always used in every electronic circuit because they function as regulators of electric current as needed. Resistors are denoted or abbreviated by the letter "R". The unit of resistor is Ohm, which comes from its inventor, namely George Simon Ohm (1787 - 1854). He is a German physicist.
A resistor has 5 rings or bracelets, namely the first bracelet, second bracelet, third bracelet (for multipliers), fourth bracelet (for tolerance), and fifth bracelet (for quality). In addition, these rings are usually made in several colors. To read the color code for a resistor band, the following table is given below:
But in practice, sometimes the designer or electronic device maker requires a resistor with a certain value, while the required value is difficult or not found in the market, so getting it can be done in two ways. The first way is by means of SERIAL and the second is by way of PARALLEL. In that way, the problems faced by electronic designers can be overcome.
a. Serial Series
Consisting of two or more obstacles arranged in a sequence, one obstacle is behind the other obstacles. Resistors arranged in this way can form a single barrier, which is called a replacement resistance. The following is a picture and formula:
Description: Req = replacement resistance (ohms)
- R1 = resistance 1
- R2 = 2nd obstacle
- R3 = 3rd obstacle
- Rn = nth resistance
b. Parallel circuit
As with serial circuits, parallel circuits can also be used as one which is called a replacement resistance, the formula is like this:
Description: Req = replacement resistance (ohms)
- R1 = resistance 1
- R2 = 2nd obstacle
- R3 = 3rd obstacle
- Rn = nth resistance
Thus a description or brief explanation of resistors or resistance. hopefully it can be an insight enhancer for you, especially in the field of electronics.