Capacitor, better known as capacitor, is an electronic device or component that can store electrical energy. In general, a capacitor consists of two metal plates that are isolated from each other by a dielectric. Dielectric is a material that can affect the value of the capacitance of the capacitor. The capacitance of a capacitor depends primarily on its shape and size depending on its capacity, mode of action, and voltage. The capacitor has a unit called the Farad, which is taken from the name Michael Faraday, a British scientist who earned the nickname "Father of Electricity", because thanks to his efforts electricity became a technology that was of many uses.
One classification of capacitors comes from their dielectric physical state, which may be gas (or vacuum), liquid, solid, or a combination of these. Each classification can be divided according to the specific dielectric used. Capacitors can be further classified by their ability to be used in AC (Alternating-Current) or DC (Direct-Current) circuits at various current levels.
This capacitor or capacitor can also be classified into 3, namely a capacitor that has a fixed capacity, a capacitor that has a variable capacity and a capacitor that has an adjustable capacity. capacitor which has a fixed capacity, meaning that it will not change, unless there is a small variation caused by temperature fluctuation. A capacitor that has a variable capacity means that it can be fixed continuously or can be fixed at a certain value but there are minimum and maximum value limits. Whereas a capacitor that has an adjustable capacity means that the capacitance of a capacitor can be adjusted and set at one or more of its discrete values.
Apart from the capacitor classification above, there are other types of capacitors, namely electrolytic capacitors that use tantalum powder mixed with baking manganese oxide (MnO2) as an electrolyte. These electrolytic capacitors are non-polarized and are made for use in ac circuits.
One example of a large capacitor we can see in a computer device, where this capacitor is used in the power supply for the computer. We can see how a ceramic with a small discrete and tantalum capacitor built on the outside of the chip package or mounted around the chip on the motherboard.
Thus a brief description of this capacitor. Hopefully this is useful and can add insight for you.